• New Moon
  • New Moon

New Moon

Whole Bean → Espresso Roast
Regular price CHF 15.00

For the enthusiast that likes it a little stronger, more intense and at the darker side of the spectrum. This coffee is just that! Sourced...

For the enthusiast that likes it a little stronger, more intense and at the darker side of the spectrum. This coffee is just that! Sourced for its sweetness and heavy body, roasted a touch longer on higher temperatures to create a pleasant bitterness.

Brew it short for espresso to emphasise that creamy sensation. Works also great in your fully automatic coffee machine at home or at work.

New Moon will adapt to the harvest seasons and therefore changes its component once in a while to keep it fresh and exciting.

Current Component

Mexico Capitan


Intense, sweet and creamy with bitter notes and milk chocolate aftertaste.

Current New Moon component

Producers: 300 members
Cooperative: Capitan
Origin: Mexico
Region: Jaltenango, Chiapas
Process: Washed
Variety: Typica, Bourbon

Double espresso starting point
Ground coffee in: 18 gram
Extracted coffee out: 36 gram
Time: 24 seconds

We currently roast bi-weekly on Fridays. New orders will be sent out after the next roast day.

Upcoming roast days:
7th March
21st March
4th April
17th April
2nd May
16th May

Creamy • brown sugar • milk chocolate •

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